web server

  • Security

    How to secure Nginx web server

    Nam Huy Linux is using Nginx because Nginx is a great lightweight and high performace web server/reverse proxy server. Nginx is the second most popular webserver just after Apache web server, there are many popular sites using Nginx like Wikipedia, Sina, Weibo, Yahoo, Reddit, Tumblr, Worpress… Nginx can easily handle thousands inactive HTTP connections with very low memory consumption. In this…

  • How to secure Apache HTTP Web Server

    Apache HTTP Server is an open source web server developed by a community of developers and users, supported by non-profit corporation Apache Software Foundation. Apache web server is often placed at the edge of the server to serve httpd traffic hence it’s the most vulnerable service to an attack. Even though Apache has a good history about security, it does…

  • CentOSnamhuy_nginx_epel

    How to install LEMP web server with Nginx, PHP-FPM 5.6, MySQL 5.5 on Centos 7

    Nginx is one of the most popular web server widely used by many popular websites like facebook, intel, cloudflare, hulu, netflix, dropbox, and more. Unlike Apache web server, nginx is a very light weight web server and proxy server yet comes with the same or even better features. Nginx does not create new process for each http request like Apache…

  • CentOS

    How to install LEMP Server (Nginx 1.8, MariaDB 10.1, PHP-FPM 7) on CentOS 7

    LEMP stacks are an open source platform for applications that is compatible with the LAMP (refers to a Linux-based operating system, the Apache web server, the MySQL database server, and the PHP programming language). LEMP replaces Apache with Nginx which is  light-weight and its ability to scale easily on minimal hardware. This tutorial (How to install LEMP Server (Nginx 1.8,…

  • How to install LEMP web server with Nginx, PHP-FPM 5.5, MySQL 5.5 on Centos Linux

    I have shown you How to install LEMP server with Linux, Nginx, PHP-FPM, and MySQL on Centos with standard packages from Centos repository, which comes with older version of PHP 5.3.x and MySQL 5.1.x. Since there are many new great features from PHP 5.5.x and MySQL 5.5.x which I mentioned in How to install LAMP server with Apache 2.2, MySQL 5.5.37, PHP 5.5.11…

  • How to install LAMP server with Apache 2.2, MySQL 5.5.37, PHP 5.5.11 on Centos Linux

    I have shown you how to setup a LAMP server Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP on Centos 6 before with default CentOS Provided Repositories CentOS-Base.repo. Hate it or love it, Apache web server has 55% market share which nginx or IIS (Microsoft) can’t beat it yet. By default Centos 6.5 will install: Apache 2.2.15 http HyperText Transfer Protocol web server MySQL 5.1.73 database…

  • Server

    How to setup a LAMP server Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

    Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS had been released not long ago. Ubuntu 14.04 is a LTS (long term support) means it’s very stable which is very good to setup a LAMP server Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (P can be replaced with Perl Or Python). I’m going to show you how to install a…

  • Tips – Tricks

    How to install mod_rewrite on Ubuntu

    mod_rewrite will not be isntalled by default when you install apache web server and php on Ubuntu. To use mod_rewrite on ubuntu you can use the the following command in the terminal # a2enmod rewrite Restart apache2 server # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart you can use the following sample .htaccess file <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}…

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