In this article I will show you how to use bash shell to test the system periodically, to check the connection port 80, server load, queue exim, and mysql process … The script will automatically notify you via email if there are anything unusual.
Script will use a while loop to run every 2 minutes and check whether the case is running on the server. To run periodically, you can use command : crontab or screen
In this tutorial I will use screen on CentOS 6 (x64):
1. Install screen
Tools screen will help you to run multiple sessions on a terminal session and keep it alive unless you cancel or restart the server.
This utility is most effective when you want to install a program, and take the time that you are connecting to a remote ssh.
– To install screen you just use yum command:
# yum install screen -y
– To create a new session you use the command :screen -S Name_sesion_or_jobs
# screen -S monitor
– To exit the current screen, and work continues:
Press Ctr + A + D
– To list the session created by the screen:
# screen -ls
[root@Mysql02 ~]# screen -ls There are screens on: 29823.mysql_moniter (Detached) 21871.pts-0.Mysql02 (Attached) 2 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.
2. Run script on screen
– You create a file ( with the code below : (don’t forget to set your email address below “### Send mail alert and attachments log file” line near the end of the file.
#!/bin/bash ## Moniter server v1 pass="namhuy" server=`uname -a|awk {'print $2'}` ps_view=`ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -5` ps_view2=`ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -5` echo -n "Password: " read -s password clear echo "Server Moniter" if [ $password != $pass ] ; then echo "Wrong password" exit else ### File Logs log="log2.txt" num_load=1 while true do echo "### Load $num_load ####" >> $log num_load=$(($num_load+1)) echo -n "**** load: " >> $log load1=`w|grep load` ### Tracking number php process num_php=`ps aux|grep php|grep -v root|wc -l` w|grep load >> $log echo "**** Process php" >> $log echo "**** Nummber process php: $num_php" >> $log ps aux|grep php|grep -v root >> $log ### Print top process echo "**** Top Process: $ps_view" >> $log ### Print number connect port 80 echo -n "***** Connect Port 80:" >> $log netstat -an|grep :80|wc -l >> $log ### Print top 5 IP connect port 80 echo "***** Top 5 Ip" >> $log netstat -an|grep :80 |awk '{print $5}'|cut -d":" -f1|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|tail -n 5 >> $log i=`w|grep load|sed s/average:/*/|cut -d* -f2|cut -c1-3| sed -e 's/\.//g'` ## Number the current load of server load=10 # Default load, if the server load is greater than (10), the script will send mail alerts. if [ $i -lt $load ]; then echo "**** Load $i" >> $log echo "**** ok" >> $log else echo "*** Load $i" >> $log echo "**** Not oke" >> $log echo "**** Top Process: $ps_view" >> $log echo "**** Top Process: $ps_view2" >> $log Send mail alert and attachments log file echo "**** $load1 - Load Current: $i"|mail -s "$server" [email protected] < $log ### Conducting the service startup if you want service httpd restart service mysql restart echo "*** Service restarted" >> $log fi echo "-------------------" >> $log ## will check every 2 minute sleep 120 done fi
– Set execute permissions(only run via root):
# chmod 0700
– Create a new session with the moniter name:
# screen -S moniter
– At the command prompt, run the script with password: namhuy
# ./
You should see
[root @ Mysql02 ~] #./ Password:
– You can view logs at: log2.txt in your email if your server load is greater than 10