At some point you will ask yourself what is Linux? Well, Linux is a combination of Linus Torvalds’s Linux kernel…
Author: Linux Tips
Netflix officially announce to support HTML5 video in Safari on OS X Yosemite and moving away from Silverlight. It’s a good news…
I have been using cloudflare for Nam Huy Linux for while and I have to say cloudflare helps my website…
Do you really need An Anti Virus and/or Anti Malware for Linux? In my opinion no you don’t need them…
Why need zlib on your linux web server? zlib, gzip and mod_deflate on Apache HTTPD server compress your web pages…
When I was tweaking one of my linux server, I found out that the time of my server isn’t match…
Most hosting companies supports PHP mail() function since it’s one of the standard way to send mail. If your hosting…
We use SSH or Secure Shell to make connection between computers to execute commands. Username and password authentication is normally…
Varnish (HTTP accelerator) is an open source reverse HTTP proxy that you put in front of Apache web server to…
If you try to get ubuntu update by apt-get update command and you get these errors could not get lock…