What is VirtualMin? Virtualmin is the most powerful web hosting, web server, or VPS (virtual private server) control panels. There are many paid control panels on the market like Cpanel, Plesk, Ensim…, but VirtualMin is the only that offer for free and VirtualMin works as great as any others. Virtualmin control panels let you control
- POP3 and IMAP Configuration
- Spam and Anti-Virus Scanning
- DomainKeys Identified Mail
- Website Content
- Using Nginx
- Multiple PHP Versions
- Remote Databases
- MySQL Database Server
- PostgreSQL Database Server
- Automatic DNS Slave Configuration
- DNS zone management
- BIND 4 DNS Server
- BIND DNS Server
Those are just some sample features what VirtualMin can do. You can do almost anything to control your web, email, dns server with VirtualMin from beginner users to the most advanced user with ease and scalability.
For Centos, RHEL
# yum -y update # yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries" # wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh # chmod +x install.sh # ./install.sh
For Debian, Ubuntu
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y # wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh # chmod +x install.sh # ./install.sh
The systems currently supported by install.sh are:
- CentOS and RHEL 5-6 on i386 and x86_64
- Scientific Linux 6 on i386 and x86_64
- Debian 6.0 and 7.0 on i386 and amd64
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and 10.04 LTS, and 12.04 LTS on i386 and amd64
- Amazon Linux 2012.03 on i386 and x86_64
- FreeBSD 7.0 and 8 on i386 and amd64
Installation will take approximately 5-25 minutes depends on your server speed and power.